An audience member at a reading I gave recently in Atlanta asked me who I would you cast in a film version of The House Girl. The question totally stumped me. I blathered my way through the answer, mumbling something about Winona Ryder and Thandie Newton, choices that clearly showed I hadn’t been a regular movie-goer since, roughly, 1998. Afterwards, I asked a friend who she would like to see in a movie version of The House Girl. “Haven’t you already imagined your dream cast?” she asked. “Don’t you see your characters?” The answer is, yes, I can see them as vividly as the people sitting next to me in the coffee shop as I type this. But I do not see someone I’ve seen before. I envision my characters as wholly, completely themselves and imagining them as famous actors seems weird, almost a betrayal. Why would I want to imagine Winona Ryder when I could have the real thing, Lina Sparrow, in my brain? Still, that question in Atlanta (and participation on this blog) did start me thinking about my dream cast, and I...[read on]Learn more about the book and author at Tara Conklin's website.
The Page 69 Test: The House Girl.
Writers Read: Tara Conklin.
My Book, The Movie: The House Girl.
--Marshal Zeringue