Friday, March 23, 2012

Coffee with a canine: Valerie Easton & Bridget

This weekend's featured duo at Coffee with a Canine: Valerie Easton and Bridget.

The author, on Bridget's role in her writing:
Writing a weekly column can be a slog, and I’d get lonesome if I didn’t have Bridget’s company. When I say “Time to go to work” she runs into my study and puts her paws up on the desk, asking for a hoist up. She always wants to lie right on the desk where I work; my laptop and I get a little squeezed, but she’s content to lie there and keep me company for hours, looking out the window at...[read on]
Among the early praise for Easton's latest book, Petal & Twig, from Publishers Weekly:
Open your eyes and keep it simple: those are two lessons Easton passes on from her own 40 years in the garden. When selecting and arranging flowers for bouquets, you needn’t spend a bundle buying a bundle of imported flowers.....The result will be unique, local, imaginative, and inexpensive. Color photos throughout illustrate and inspire.
Learn more about the book and author at Valerie Easton's "Plant Talk" blog.

Easton is professional librarian and a garden columnist for the Sunday magazine of the Seattle Times. She writes about gardens and the people who make them for numerous publications, including Garden Design and Organic Gardening magazines.

Writers Read: Valerie Easton.

Read--Coffee with a Canine: Valerie Easton and Bridget.

--Marshal Zeringue