Lough, on how they were united:
We heard the story of an abusive breeder who thought he could beat “gun shy” out of his litter of [German Shorthaired Pointer] pups. Neighbors complained about the constant yelping and crying, and authorities demanded that the owner make a choice: Give upAccording to one recent count, Loree Lough had 75 books in print, with nine more due out between now and the end of 2011, plus 65 short stories, and more than 2,500 articles.the litter or serve time in jail and pay a steep fine. He chose the former, though he deserved both for the horrors he inflicted on those poor dogs. Our vet predicted that because of the abuse, Cash would not live as long as most GSPs (broken bones that healed on their own, poor diet, lack of veterinary care, etc…). He came to us with Lyme Disease, heartworm, and more. Lots more. But he’s...[read on]
Visit Loree Lough's website and blog.
Read--Coffee with a Canine: Loree Lough and Cash.
--Marshal Zeringue