The New Yorker is only one week behind us with an Updike review of Peter Carey's Theft and a number of works from the archives by Australian authors and New Yorker-affiliated writers who are participating in the Sydney Writers’ Festival.
The New Yorker doesn't make all of its content available on the web, so click away while the access is free:
--Marshal ZeringueSherman Alexie, “The Toughest Indian in the World” (6/21/99)
Jon Lee Anderson, “American Viceroy” (12/19/05)
Andy Borowitz, “Real-Estate Note” (1/24/05), “Try These Fun Hoaxes” (5/16/05), and “Nazis Say the Darnedest Things” (5/22/06)
Mark Danner, an excerpt from “The Truth of El Mozote” (12/6/1993)
Aleksandar Hemon, “Love and Obstacles” (11/28/05)
Hendrik Hertzberg, “Landmarks” (2/14 & 221/05), “Mired” (8/22/05), and “Bah
Humbug” (12/26/05 & 1/2/06)Susan Orlean, “Little Wing” (2/13/2006)
Murray Sayle, “Nerve Gas and the Four Noble Truths” (4/1/96)
Selected pieces by Australian writers:
Murray Bail, “Healing” (4/16/79)
Geraldine Brooks, “The Painted Desert” (7/28/03), “Unfinished Business” (10/17/05)
Joan Colebrook, “A Veranda on a Corner of a Continent” (1/21/85)
Shirley Hazzard, “The Place To Be” (6/29/87)
Les Murray, “The House Left in English” (8/18/03), “Airscapes” (12/8/03), and “The Mare Out on the Road” (6/13/05)