Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Nine novels featuring complex female friendships

Sian Gilbert was born in Bristol, UK. She studied history at the University of Warwick, before teaching at a comprehensive school in Birmingham for almost five years. She now lives in Cambridge with her partner.

Gilbert's new novel is She Started It.

At CrimeReads she tagged nine "novels encapsulate many different facets of female friendship, both positive and negative: loyalty, mentorship, laughter; obsession, jealousy, anger; and everything in between." One title on the list:
The Collective by Alison Gaylin

When is a female friend needed more than after a tragic event? The Collective is an excellent portrayal of how grief can isolate and swallow you whole. In the wake of her daughter’s murder, Camille Gardner has been consumed by nothing but the thought of revenge. She finds a group of women whose children were also killed, women who are equally out for vengeance. Men are strictly not allowed. This is a coming together of female pain, female frustration, and female rage. At first, Camille feels understood like never before. But as she entangles herself further and further into this secretive group, it becomes clear that getting out will be impossible without serious consequences. This is a story about being a mother, but it’s also a story about the intense bond between women who’ve experienced a shared tragedy—a bond that may be taken advantage of.
Read about another entry on the list.

The Page 69 Test: The Collective.

--Marshal Zeringue