At Tor.com Ochse tagged five books about heroes who shouldn’t babysit your kitten, including:
First Law Trilogy — Joe AbercrombieRead about another entry on the list.
So, I went the other direction. Instead of a nice guy [like Paul Atreides of Dune], I thought of a bad guy, because Danny Trejo proved that bad guys can really be soft andcuddly at times. I tried to picture Logan Ninefingers from Joe Abercrombie’s First Law Trilogy and Red Country, sitting in the corner of a smoky tavern, drinking a flagon of ale, and petting a kitten that’s sitting on his chest. I picture it as a nice peaceful scene, right up to the point where a group of lads with shiny new swords spot him and are eager to try their fresh off-the-shelf-weapons on the King of Killers. Somewhere between Logan’s berserker rage and him chewing the face off of one of the eager lads, the kitten gets under the feet of too many hobnailed boots and well… I’ll just stop right there.
Coffee with a Canine: Weston Ochse & Goblin, Ghost, and Ghoulie.
--Marshal Zeringue