Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Five of the best dogs in (contemporary) literature

Miriam Parker's new novel is The Shortest Way Home.

She lives in Brooklyn with her spaniel, Leopold Bloom.

One entry from Parker's list of the indisputably best dogs in (contemporary) literature, as shared at LitHub:
Life after Life by Kate Atkinson

Nobody writes a dog like Kate Atkinson. Kate once said, “I’m quite a ruthless author. The only time I felt really bad about killing a character was in Behind the Scenes at the Museum, when the dog was sent to war and was killed. That broke my heart. That says more about me—that I’m more affected by dogs than people.” Life after Life is filled most particularly with great dogs, first there’s Bosun, then Lucky. The dogs are great friends of the characters and give them comfort in difficult times. I think dogs giving comfort to characters is a totally overlooked way to show a character being vulnerable. And Kate Atkinson does it so well. Plus, something about the way she describes dogs makes you just want to pet them.
Read about another entry on the list.

Life After Life is among Liese O'Halloran Schwarz's top ten books about self-reinvention, Caitlin Kleinschmidt tagged twelve moving novels of the Second World War, Jenny Shank's top five innovative novels that mess with chronology, Dell Villa's top twelve books from 2013 to give your mom, and Judith Mackrell's five best young fictional heroines in coming-of-age novels.

Visit Miriam Parker's website.

--Marshal Zeringue