One of Halliday's top ten parallel narratives--i.e., novels that track unconnected but related stories, as shared at the Guardian:
The Joke by Milan Kundera (1967)Read about another entry on the list.
After playing a minor joke on a fellow student, young Ludvik is expelled from the Communist party and drafted into abranch of the Czech military reserved for subversives. The chorus of first-person accounts includes that of Kostka, whose soliloquy stands largely apart from the others and is Ludvik’s foil. The novel also pits communism against Christianity, folklore against reality, self against self. “Who was the real me?” asks Ludvik. “I can only repeat: I was a man of many faces.”
The Joke is among Ray French's ten top black comedies and Philip Sington's five top books on life behind the Iron Curtain.
Also see: Philip Hensher's top ten parallel narratives.
--Marshal Zeringue