The entry begins:
On May Day, 2018, sixty meteors entered Earth’s atmosphere and exploded around the globe with a force greater than a nuclear blast. Earthquakes and tsunamis followed. Then China attacked Europe, Asia, and the United States in the belief the disaster was an act of war.Visit William C. Dietz's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.
Washington D.C. was a casualty of the meteor onslaught that decimated the nation’s leadership and left the surviving elements of the armed forces to try and restore order as American society fell apart. As refugees across America band together and engage in open warfare with the military over scarce resources, a select group of individuals representing the surviving corporate structure makes a power play to rebuild the country in a free market image as The New Confederacy.
Into The Guns has two main characters, a young army officer named Robin Macintyre (Mac), and Secretary of Energy Samuel T. Sloan, who is elevated to the presidency after Washington D.C. takes a direct hit from one of the meteors.
My choice for an actress to play Mac is Kristen…[read on]
The Page 69 Test: Andromeda's Fall.
My Book, The Movie: Andromeda's Fall.
The Page 69 Test: Andromeda's Choice.
The Page 69 Test: Deadeye.
My Book, The Movie: Deadeye.
The Page 69 Test: Graveyard.
My Book, The Movie: Graveyard.
The Page 69 Test: Into the Guns.
My Book, The Movie: Into the Guns.
--Marshal Zeringue