Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Seven books featuring Death as a character

At The Barnes & Noble Book Blog Nicole Hill tagged seven books with Death as a character, including:
The Book Thief, by Marcus Zusak

The story of Liesl Meminger in WWII Germany is a heart-breaking read, and Death—not just dying, but the entity itself—is in no small part responsible for the pain. As a narrator, Death is observant, compassionate, and empathetic. As he speaks, so tenderly, of events not even he understands, he renews your own sense of horror. In the end, Death’s final word is as good a summation as any book-jacket blurb: “I am haunted by humans.”
Read about another entry on the list.

The Book Thief also appears among Lenore Appelhans's top ten teen books featuring flashbacks and Kathryn Erskine's top 10 first person narratives.

--Marshal Zeringue