Friday, March 02, 2012

Tom McCarthy's 6 favorite books about nothing

Tom McCarthy is the author of Remainder, C, and Men in Space, the last of which has just been published in the U.S.

One of his six favorite books about nothing, as told to The Week magazine:
Jealousy by Alain Robbe-Grillet

We move, repeatedly, through a house on a tropical plantation, watching a table being laid, a centipede being crushed, a woman combing her hair. These actions never run their course: They loop, incessantly — and as they do, the tension mounts. Will there be a murder? Has there been one already? Yes. And no. And yes again.
Read about another book on the list.

Also see Tom McCarthy's top 10 European modernists and Tom McCarthy's literary top 10.

--Marshal Zeringue