His entry opens:
Turk Henry, the protagonist of Salty, is a dissolute, sex addicted, Heavy Metal superstar. It’s difficult for me to put on my casting director cap and think of someone who could play him. There’s a specific physicality to him, a kind of cocksure waddle, that’s hard to find in today’s personally trained actor. The character is spoiled, pathetic and yet has the seeds of heroism gurgling around in his beer-bloated belly. [read on]Learn more about Salty at the author's website.
Mark Haskell Smith is the author of three novels: Moist, Delicious, and, most recently, Salty, which was a Book Sense Notable Book. He is also is a screenwriter whose feature film credits include Playing God and the award-winning Brazilian film A Partilha.
The Page 69 Test: Salty.
My Book, The Movie: Salty.
--Marshal Zeringue