Friday, June 07, 2024

Pg. 99: Elena Ziliotti's "Meritocratic Democracy"

Featured at the Page 99 Test: Meritocratic Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Political Theory by Elena Ziliotti.

About the book, from the publisher:
Meritocratic Democracy puts into dialogue contemporary works in Western democratic theory and Confucian political theory to examine the effectiveness of democracy as a decision-making system, the role of political leaders and political parties in real-world democracies. The result is a unique cross-cultural theory of democracy, meritocratic democracy, which combines democratic principles with a system of 'partisan juries' at the party level to enhance the quality of political leaders in democracy. Ultimately, this book shows that cross-cultural dialogue is imperative to generate innovative solutions to pressing political issues and foster reciprocal corrections.
Visit Elena Ziliotti's website.

The Page 99 Test: Meritocratic Democracy.

--Marshal Zeringue