Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Q&A with Meredith R. Lyons

From my Q&A with Meredith R. Lyons, author of Ghost Tamer:

About the book, from the publisher:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

While I was writing it, the working title was The Train because the train crash is the inciting incident that changes Raely's life. When the el flies off the rails, only Raely survives. She loses her best friend and acquires an ability to see ghosts. One says he's been with her all her life, and one in particular is trying to take her soul. A lot of the action takes place on Chicago's el train. But not only was that not a very interesting title, the deeper story is Raely learning about who she is—both by taking a look at her past and embracing her new present—and accepting that new person, rather than wishing to be what she was. She has to move through a lot of grief and pain to become herself, which no one ever wants to do, but she is stronger for it. And with grief the only way out is through. She is the Ghost Tamer. And...[read on]
Visit Meredith R. Lyons's website.

Q&A with Meredith R. Lyons.

--Marshal Zeringue