Sunday, March 07, 2021

The best books to celebrate spring

Lia Leendertz is an award-winning garden and food writer. She writes a weekly column for the Telegraph, a monthly column for The Garden magazine and a long-running series on growing and eating seasonally for Simple Things magazine. She also contributes frequently to the Guardian and Gardens Illustrated. She is the author of several gardening books and the cookbook Petal, Leaf, Seed: Cooking with the garden’s treasures.

Leendertz is also the author of The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2021.

At the Guardian she shared a list of the best books to celebrate spring, including:
As the ground warms with the ever-strengthening sun, weeds will start to spring from the ground, and we curse them and hoick them out to make way for our chosen darlings. Weeds by Richard Mabey takes a loving look at these impudent plants of the margins, these thugs and opportunists. The creeping buttercup, chickweed, mare’s tail dock and knotgrass that bloomed on the bombsites of the blitz, having been held in suspended animation below pavements and buildings; “the European migrant meadow-grass that spread west across America with the pioneers, the seeds stuck to wagon wheels, then thrived so that its flowers filled the landscape with a haze of blue, giving its new common name – Kentucky bluegrass – to a genre of music. You will gain a grudging admiration for your springtime foes.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue