Friday, September 06, 2013

Seven stellar novels of 1998

At The Barnes & Noble Book Blog Nicole Hill tagged seven top novels of 1998, including:
About a Boy, by Nick Hornby

And they say the the aughts were the domain of overgrown man-children. Here, the man-child is a well-off bachelor (so, in essence, Hugh Grant). In his quest to woo sexy single mothers, he joins a single-parent support group, ends up meeting a schoolboy, Marcus, whose grasp on all things social is somewhat tenuous, and bada bing bada boom—you’ve got yourself an infinitely readable, disarmingly witty good time.
Read about the other books on the list.

About a Boy is one of Kay S. Hymowitz's five best books on the won't-grow-up modern male.

--Marshal Zeringue