Her new novel is At the Bottom of the Garden.
At The Nerd Daily Bruce tagged five "novels with powerful houses that the characters are willing to fight, live, die – and even kill – for." One title on the list:
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley JacksonRead about another title on the list.
No list of beguiling houses is complete without a mention of this classic. Without the existence of this novel, we might not have had so many other books aboutbewitching houses to enjoy. There is a reason why it’s still being widely read – I, for one, didn’t feel normal for a week after cracking its cover for the first time. Maybe it’s the setting: a group of sensitives of various flavors who come together to conduct an experiment, or maybe it’s Elanor: a protagonist that is so painfully sad and insecure that it’s impossible not to feel something for her. Or, maybe it’s just Hill House with its many – shifting – rooms, and the way it subtly seduces with a promise of belonging and home. Whatever the reason, this novel will forever hold the power to send chills down even the sturdiest of spines, and make you look twice (twice) at the shadows in your own home.
The Haunting of Hill House also appears on Jen Williams's list of the five best novels about hauntings, Sara Flannery Murphy's five top thriller and horror books with “House” in the title, Lisa Unger's list of five great horror novels that explore the darkest corners of our minds, Dell Villa's list of seven of the best haunted houses in literature, Kat Rosenfield's list of seven scary October reads, Michael Marshall Smith's top ten list of horror books, Carlos Ruiz Zafón's top ten list of 20th-century gothic novels, and Brad Leithauser's five best list of ghost tales.
--Marshal Zeringue