[The Page 69 Test: My Last Continent; Writers Read: Midge Raymond (June 2016); The Page 69 Test: Floreana; Q&A with Midge Raymond]
At Electric Lit the author tagged eight novels "based on real murders, and, as fiction allows us to do, the books go beyond the tragic events to explore issues that often don’t make it into the news headlines: deeper insights into the lives of the victims, the survivors, and even the perpetrators." One title on the list:
Bright Young Women by Jessica KnollRead about another entry on the list.
This novel, which recalls Ted Bundy’s horrific murders without ever naming him, opens with the killings at a Florida sorority house in 1978 and is told from the points of view of a surviving sorority president and the friend of a victim from the other side of the country. As the sorority president connects with the Seattle victim’s friend, the two seek answers and justice. Readers familiar with Bundy’s infamy will appreciate that this chilling story focuses on the victims and survivors, the bright young women who persevere—not on the unnamed “Defendant,” as he is called in the novel.
--Marshal Zeringue