Saturday, May 25, 2024

Six top books featuring superstitions

Jessie Rosen got her start with the award-winning blog 20-Nothings and has sold original television projects to ABC, CBS, Warner Bros., and Netflix. Her live storytelling show Sunday Night Sex Talks was featured on The Bachelorette. She lives in Los Angeles.

Rosen's new novel is The Heirloom.

At Lit Hub she tagged six books that explore superstitions "from every angle. In some an omen defines the character’s struggle, in others its used as a thematic point, and in one the belief runs so deep it’s presented as fact." One title on the list:
Jennifer Weiner, Big Summer

Jennifer Weiner dives into the very tense world that my own main character fears: a wedding weekend. Our eyes in are through Daphne who is cajoled into being the maid-of-honor for her ex best friend Drue. Much has changed in the years since the fight that ended their friendship. Daphne feels like she’s meeting Drue all over again, and at one of the trickiest moments in her life.

Of course superstitions about ensuring a happy marriage enter the mix. Drue insists on one that was new to even me: she believes her wedding will be cursed if she buys her own wedding dress. Here belief systems inform the way we behave as friends and reveal what matters most at the most important times in our life.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue