Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Q&A with Mark Pomeroy

From my Q&A with Mark Pomeroy, author of The Tigers of Lents:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

I worked on The Tigers of Lents over the course of twelve years. For eleven of those years, the novel had a different title. My editor and publisher liked the earlier title, but asked me to supply an alternative option.

It took two weeks of brainstorming — long lists, plenty of brooding, some cursing — before I zeroed in on a title that links some key aspects of the novel. I also like the sound of The Tigers of Lents. Sound is important.

The Tigers of Lents is a family saga that centers on three feisty teenage sisters living in poverty in Lents, an outer neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. One of the sisters is a soccer star on the verge of possibly accepting a college scholarship. The novel shows how the three girls battle to be taken seriously, how they experience a crash of worlds when they try to engage the wider society, and how they also battle with self-doubts and self-sabotage.

The title connects the novel’s soccer element to the inner character of...[read on]
Visit Mark Pomeroy's website.

Q&A with Mark Pomeroy.

--Marshal Zeringue