Thursday, September 07, 2023

Five top thrillers featuring toxic friendships

Jilly Gagnon is currently based in Salem, Massachusetts, but is originally from Minnesota, a fact she’ll likely inform you of within minutes of meeting you. In addition to her adult fiction, she has authored both young adult and comedy novels.

Gagnon's new novel is Scenes of the Crime.

At CrimeReads she tagged five psychological thrillers in which "best friends" are the biggest threat, including:
We Were Never Here – Andrea Bartz

You would think killing a man together would be a major “AHA!” moment in a friendship, that inflection point where you realize “hey… maybe we’re not such a dynamic duo…”

And for Emily it is… the second time it happens.

We Were Never Here is a mesmerizing book that delves deep into the dark underbelly of female friendship, forcing readers to question where the line is between love and control, and between support and complicity. The allure of the friendship between Kristen and Emily is palpable, but the danger they pose to each other (and anyone who dares to get too close) is just as potent. I was left questioning who and what I could trust at every turn. No spoilers, but the final twist was delicious.
Read about another entry on the list.

We Were Never Here is among Megan Collins's seven thrillers in which friendships are tested.

--Marshal Zeringue