The entry begins:
The Orphans of Mersea House is set in 1957 Southwold, a small town on the Suffolk coast. It’s a story of post-war life in England, where rationing ended only three years earlier, thirty-seven-year-old women were considered spinsters, polio continued to strike fear in the hearts of parents, and the de-criminalization of homosexual practices was still ten years away. We drop into this time and follow the intertwining stories a ragtag group of adults and children at a boardinghouse.Visit Marty Wingate's website.
Characters in books are sometimes inspired by (or based on) real people. Occasionally, an actor in a certain role will be the model for how a character looks or acts—I am doing that in my work-in-progress. But while I was writing Orphans, I had no inner vision, and it’s only now that I’ve thought about trying to match character to actor. I’ve found it not that difficult.
First, Olive, because she’s the center. Carey Mulligan will do, and not only because she is, at this moment, the same age as Olive, but also for her acting in...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: The Librarian Always Rings Twice.
The Page 69 Test: The Librarian Always Rings Twice.
Q&A with Marty Wingate.
The Page 69 Test: The Orphans of Mersea House.
Writers Read: Marty Wingate.
My Book, The Movie: The Orphans of Mersea House.
--Marshal Zeringue