Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Q&A with Donna Hemans

From my Q&A with Donna Hemans, author of Tea by the Sea:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

Tea By the Sea is a title I had in mind long before I developed the story. I don’t recall now how I came to find it but I jotted it down and knew that I would ultimately find a story that worked with it. In this novel, a young mother spends 17 years searching for her daughter taken from her at birth. That description doesn’t readily connect with the idea of having tea by the sea. But readers will discover that tea by the sea is the activity that connects the daughter, Opal, to a mother she doesn’t know. Built into that activity is the guilt Lenworth, Opal’s father, feels after having taken his baby daughter away from...[read on]
Visit Donna Hemans's website.

Q&A with Donna Hemans.

--Marshal Zeringue