Visit Brigit Young's website.What's in a name?
Names are so important to me that I just had my second baby and I’m tempted to have a third just so I can come up with another name. This passion for naming applies to my fiction as well, though I don’t follow the same formula every time. Sometimes a name simply comes along with the vision of a character, and sometimes the sounds are important poetically, capturing the inner song of the person. Most often, though, the societal connotation of the name is what matters. In The Prettiest, Eve is the main character’s name for three reasons: first of all, she embodies certain aspects of the female experience, and therefore the name of the “first woman” suits her. Secondly, she’s number one on a list of “prettiest” girls, so I’m playing with the idea of being first. And lastly, as is mentioned in the book, although the biblical Eve is...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: The Prettiest.
My Book, The Movie: The Prettiest.
Q&A with Brigit Young.
--Marshal Zeringue