Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Six top books on the biggest days in sports

Nicholas Wroe is a writer and editor on the Guardian Review.

He tagged six sporting landmarks in literature, including:
Not every sport has a cup final, but most have set-piece moments of truth, big days that decide who is the best, and writers have long been drawn to them both to recall the action and to consider wider perspectives. Among the most successful efforts was Nick Hornby’s Fever Pitch, his reinvention of the memoir through the prism of Arsenal matches. Fascinating in a different way was Norman Mailer’s The Fight, about the 1974 rumble in the jungle heavyweight boxing title fight in Kinshasa, Zaire, between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. Mailer’s egotistical swagger theatrically captured the moment (and, in hindsight, also provided a revealing snapshot of 70s mind-sets, preoccupations and prejudices).
Read about another entry on the list.

Fever Pitch is among John Gustad's top ten sports books and Mihir Bose's top ten soccer books.

--Marshal Zeringue