The entry begins:
My difficulty, when dream-casting one of my books, is that I tend to create my characters with a very specific image of each one in my head, and usually they don’t bear much resemblance to particular actors or public figures. If pressed, though, I would say that Alicia Vikander, who played Vera Brittain in the recent film adaptation of Testament of Youth, is a pretty close match for the Helena I carry around in my head. I also like Saoirse Ronan (so wonderful in Brooklyn) and Mia...[read on]Visit Jennifer Robson's website.
Coffee with a Canine: Jennifer Robson & Ellie.
My Book, The Movie: After the War Is Over.
The Page 69 Test: After the War Is Over.
Writers Read: Jennifer Robson.
My Book, The Movie: Moonlight Over Paris.
--Marshal Zeringue