Burke named a top ten list of books on militant Islamism for the Guardian, including:
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles KepelRead about another title on the list.
I read this in Pakistan, over a period of weeks shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Its sweep across the broad landscape of radical Sunni activism was arevelation. The book is one of the few genuinely rigorous academic overviews of the social and historical roots of the phenomenon of modern Muslim extremism – ranging geographically from the far east to Europe, and chronologically from the 1960s onwards – that also remains readable. Its primary thesis – that violent Islamic militancy is in large part a response to the failure of political Islamist activism – has stood the test of time. Kepel is famous in France but almost unknown outside. This is a shame. A classic.
See Burke's five top books on Islamic militancy.
--Marshal Zeringue