The entry begins:
As a novelist, the second most common question I hear after "Are any of your characters based on real people?" is, "If someone made a movie of Tell No Lies, who would you like to see play the characters?"Read an excerpt from Tell No Lies, and learn more about the novel and author at Julie Compton's website and her blog.
It's a tough question. The characters are crystal clear in my head, but I didn't write the novel with any particular actor or actress in mind.
Finding the right actor to play Jack, my main character, would be the toughest task. He must have the right look (ruggedly handsome but with a youthful face, not too pretty, but still, a golden boy), but he must also have the acting skills to convey Jack's personality. On the exterior, Jack is sensible, smart, always the professional. But inside, he's impulsive, over-analytical, and "a hopeless romantic" (which is what Jenny, the woman who causes him to stray, rightly accuses him of being). There was a time when I thought Brad Pitt could play Jack, but he's become too old and too famous; I find it hard to watch him and not be aware that I'm watching Brad Pitt play someone else. So, my vote goes to Bradley Cooper.
Claire is only slightly easier. Again, I'd want the actress to look like the Claire I imagine in my head...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: Tell No Lies.
My Book, The Movie: Tell No Lies.
--Marshal Zeringue